
The Center for Excellence in the Neurosciences facilitates student and faculty research and collaborations with researchers outside the University.


The center is composed of a diverse group of neuro科学家们. This diversity in neuroscience specialties provides a unique opportunity for collaboration among center members, as well as new perspectives on your own research. The center continues to expand and diversify the neuroscience faculty at UNE through the recruitment of new faculty. Faculty also have access to:

  • State-of-the-art neuroscience equipment
  • 试点项目资助
  • UNE研究核心
  • Mini-grants to cover research core invoices
  • 旅游经费
  • CEN期刊俱乐部

Current Faculty 研究: Fruit Flies and Chronic Pain

Take a look at the research that 生物学 教授 杰弗里·甘特博士.D., performs with the help of UNE students. 甘特图的实验室 focuses on studying fruit flies to underst和 cellular, 分子, and genetic mechanisms of chronic pain.


There are numerous research opportunities for both undergraduate and graduate students in neuroscience labs. Many of these students have presented their research at international conferences and contributed to publications.

Explore 学生的机会 in the CEN

A student in a white lab coat prepares a row of microscope slides
A student and 教授 working in a lab on research together

The Center of Biomedical 研究 Excellence for the Study of Pain and Sensory Function (图) was established in 2012 through funding from the National Institute of General Medical 科学s (NIGMS). The center is composed of a group of laboratories, within the Center for Excellence in the Neurosciences, who study the neurobiology of chronic pain. There are many opportunities for students in 图 labs. For faculty, this center offers a 试点项目计划, which provides funding for chronic pain research.


The 图 also supports two state-of-the art research facilities, the 行为的核心 和 Histology and Imaging Core, which carry out cutting-edge research. The two cores provide expertise and training and use of specialized instrumentation and both welcome internal and external users.

Pain Education Collaborative

The Center for Excellence in the Neurosciences, along with the Center to Advance Interprofessional Education and Practice (CAIEP, formerly the Center for Excellence in Collaborative Education), brings together groups of health care professionals, 科学家们, 教育工作者, 学者, 学生们分享 a passion for transforming pain prevention, care, education, and research.

Professor Ganter points to a fruit fly on a monitor